Human Anatomy and Physiology

Biology 1220

Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 (BIOL 1120)

Biology 1120          Fall 2024
Instructor: Bruce Clarkson M.Sc., M. Ed.
Class website: (This is where your will find class notes and other resources)
- The Anatomy Coloring Book,. Kapit, Wynn and Lawrence M. Elson. Benjamin-Cummings, San Francisco.
- Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual. McIntyre, Gordon Vancouver Community College, Vancouver.
- Human Anatomy and Physiology (12th ed.), Human Anatomy and Physiology, Marieb.

ZOOM will be used during this course. It is required that you participate and that you have your camera on.
Course topics 
Chapter 1: Orientation
Chapter 2: Chemistry

Chapter 3: Cells 

Chapter 29: Genetics

Chapter 4: Tissues
Chapter 11: Nervous tissue
Chapter 12: Central Nervous System 
Chapter 13: Peripheral Nervous System/ reflexes
Chapter 14: Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 15: Special Senses
Chapter 16: Endocrine System
Chapter 27: Reproductive System

Chapter 28: Pregnancy/ Development

Grade Scheme:
A+ 90 – 100 A 85 – 89 A- 80 – 84
B+ 76 – 79 B 72 – 75 B- 68 - 71
C+ 64 – 67 C 60 - 63 C- 55 - 59
D 50 - 54 F below 50
Lab Quiz 1 - 5 marks
Lab Quiz 2- 5 marks
Lab report- 10 marks
Colouring book 5 marks
Midterm I- 25 marks
Midterm II- 25 marks
Final Exam- 25 marks
1. Late assignments will have 50% of marks deducted per day. Reports more than two days late may not be marked. No extensions granted.
2. Copying of material and plagiarism is not acceptable. Violations will result in a grade of zero or failure of the course, depending on the severity of the offence.
3. Attendance of lab exercises is mandatory. Missing these sessions can result in a reduced mark or a zero on the lab reports and/ or a failure to complete the course requirements
4. The final exam will cover the last third of the course only; however, college regulations require that the final exam must be written in order to pass the course.
5. Make-up tests for missed exams will only be given when appropriate documentation regarding absence is provided. Miss a test without an acceptable reason and you will be given a mark of zero. All make-up tests will be given the last week of the semester
6. * It is the student’s responsibility to attend class in order to keep informed regarding changes in due dates, tests, changes in curriculum or assignments.
7. Masks and other personal protection are suggested for any face to face events.
Any of the above is subject to change.